How ‘Black Star’ was been developed
The Black Star cable range has been developed to work an audio system at its best. And a recording and replay system is not perfect until the sound replayed sounds like it may be present and real, so the standard is set high.
To start we had to understand fully what wasn’t working, not just in home audio, but in all types of audio systems. Subtle imperfections in home systems are are also present in large, complex live systems, but are very exposed there as they are on a much bigger scale. By building and rebuilding systems until we finally managed to have large theatre systems working with hi-fi realism gave real insights into the issues and led to performance breakthroughs.
Our investigations have been deep, thorough and exhaustive, covering all aspects of system cable structures, and all our work has been done with top professionals, musicians and enthusiasts on world class systems; home set-ups, west end musical theatre and major recording studios. We learnt a lot about how and why power and signal cables interact with equipment and how cable set ups dramatically alter how realistically a system reproduces sound.
This has been the most recent part of the quest I set out about forty years ago to try and understand what makes real sound ‘real’ and what make reproduced audio sound ‘not real’. Try yourself- clink to glasses together and ask yourself ‘what is it that makes that presence so hard to reproduce? And what is the detail which, if missing, my brain knows that its not real?’.
Starting in May we are publishing a monthly feature bulletin. It features tests and discoveries we made during the research. It also has articles and interviews with recording professionals, and I will be answering questions from readers.
If you would like to be part of this then email me at
BLACK STAR really does encapsulate all the gems of knowledge and science we have gleaned over 35 years working with professionals and brings it to you home.
And if one word summarise what Black Star brings to great music, that word would be ‘atmosphere’.
Hoping this is of interest, and look forward to hearing from you
Michael Whiteside
Designer, Studio Connections and Abbey Road Cable